Welcome to USA Central FreeDMR Network covering the Central portion of the USA. D-APRS TG 900999 TS2.


Here are some basic steps on how to use D-APRS on FreeDMR-USA Central

Example on a handheld radio ANYTONE AT_D878UV with GPS:

Set the send intervals for APRS Auto TX or Manual TX to 180 seconds (3 minutes) or longer.

Set your D-APRS configuration for Report Channel, Report Slot, APRS TG and Call Type.

Send only as a private call to DMR-ID: 900999

Channel information must be set to GPS.

Individual user / DMR ID APRS settings.

By default, all APRS positions have an SSID of 15, a standard comment FreeDMR D-APRS, with the ID of the DMR user and the call sign (see picture). Of course, these default settings can also be changed.

The comment, SSID, and icon can be set for each individual user/DMR ID. The application saves all settings in a file. You may have different SSIDs, icons, and comments for different DMR IDs. This is done via DMR-SMS with the following commands:

APRS Dashboard

You can change the default APRS settings of your radio by posting a text message with the commands. Pay close attention to the commands and follow the instructions in of this table. the full command appears in the sample column.




@SSID Change the SSID of the user call sign @SSID 7
@ICON Changing the APRS position symbol
ICON list see below
@ICON /p
@COM Change the comment for the APRS status. @COM This is a TEST
@MH Sets the manual position of your locator. Designed for radios without GPS or not yet compatible. @MH LOCATOR
@BB Publish a newsletter in the "Bulletins Received" section. @BB This is a bulletin test.
@[CALLSIGN W/ SSID] A-[MESSAGE] Send a message to another station via D-APRS. @CALLSIGN-15 A-This is a test.
@[EMAIL ADDRESS] E-[MESSAGE} Send an email to a specified address. E-This is a test.
@[RECIPIENT CALLSIGN] M-[MESSAGE] Send a message to the voice mail. @CALLSIGN M-This is a test.
@REM MAIL Remove all emails addressed to you. @REM MAIL
@SOS SOS activation. Displays a banner on the main page of the dashboard. This is an emergency @SOS I'm in danger.
@NOTICE Used to clearly highlight an alert, but without URGENCY. @NOTICE The server shuts down in 30 minutes.
@REM SOS Remotes an EMERGENCY or NEWS call. @REM SOS

Send a private DMR SMS with the desired command followed by the value. For example, to change your icon to a dog, is the command @ICON /p. (values can be found in the ICON list). Changing your SSID is as easy as @SSID 7, and @CON. That's a TEST changes the APRS status.

To remove one of the stored values, simply send the corresponding command without entering. @COM removes the saved comment, @ICOM removes the saved icon. All location reports now sent have the default settings. You must use the above, Follow steps for each DMR ID that you use on our serverFreeDMR-USA Central

All of the above commands are sent via SMS/messages to the private ID: 900999, the same applies to @SSID, @COM and @ICON.

Although we accept HYT and Motorola formats, we recommend users to use "DMR standard SMS messages" whenever possible, as this comes closest to a common standard.

Data Gateway compatible radios

Confirmed test, actually tested

Radio Set GPS SMS Decode SMS Encode
Anytone D878 Yes Yes Yes
Anytone D578 Yes Yes Most likely
BTech DMR-6×2 Yes Most likely Not tested
MD-380 (MD380tools, without GPS) Yes In progress
MD-380 (manufacturer firmware, GPS) Yes Most likely Not tested
MD-390 (manufacturer firmware) Yes Yes Not tested
*Retevis RT73 Yes Yes Not tested
Retevis RT3S Yes Yes Not tested
Ailunce HD1 Yes Yes Not tested

*RT73 must have unconfirmed data enabled

Strongly suspected of working

Not tested yet, but will most likely work

Radio Set GPS SMS Decode SMS Encode
Anytone D868 Most likely Most likely Most likely
TYT MD-2017 Most likely Like Unknown
TYT MD-9600 Most likely Like Unknown
Retevis RT8 Most likely Like Unknown

Tested, but with problems

Radio Set GPS SMS Decode SMS Encode
Alinco DJ-MD5TGP In progress Most likely Not tested
Motorola DP3601 In progress In progress Not tested

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